The New Heart for Life Community


Dan Williams

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Welcome to new heart for life. A podcast focused on principles to live a fit an act of life. I am Dan Williams, and in this episode I'm going to talk about the principle of decide. I want to first start with a question, a question that may resonate with many of us. Have you ever experienced a moment where you felt like giving up on your dreams? Because the road ahead seem too dire. I understand that feeling. All too well. In fact, it happened when I was lying in the cardiac intensive care unit. fighting for my life after barely surviving, open heart surgery. It felt like the weight of the world was crashing down on me. But then, something shifted deep within me. I realized that my journey wasn't just about surviving. It was about thriving. And that's when I turned it fitness, discipline, perseverance, in sheer force of will to overcome the odds and become a gold medalist and Senior Olympics. And this journey, I have discovered crucial fitness principles that have truly transformed my life. And I want to share with you one of the most impactful principles that helped me achieve a new heart for life. It is in a word, decide this principle, along with all of the fitness principles of a common theme, which is to overcome adversity in life through fitness. You need to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. The principle of this side can best be illustrated with the image of three frogs sitting on a log one decides to jump. How many frogs are left? Well, the easy answer is two. But the right answer is three. Because making a decision is important, but it doesn't mean much if no action is taken to implement that decision. Without action decisions remain nothing more than idle thoughts, along with the potential to take action. Which reminds me of my early childhood days when the nuns would say, Daniel Williams, you have tential and I would say silently to myself, thank you, because I thought Have you potential was a compliment. Only later in life that I realized that it really meant that I lacked the necessary motivation to take the action to improve myself. It's in the doing this success is either obtained or not. And his book, your most important number, the Benson has said. So you made a decision. Congrats. You're now 3% Done. Why? Because now comes the implementation, the execution. Thinking can be so much more convenient than doing. Thinking about your decision is comfortable. actually taking action and doing something after you decide is uncomfortable. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. I hope this episode helped. If so, you can subscribe at Newhart pro As well as your favorite streaming podcast service. I appreciate you spreading awareness of the new heart for life podcast. It means the world to me. I will catch you on the next episode, when I will be talking about the principle of goals. Until then, to your you heart for life.

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